Join the only North American conference to cover all of the BEAM languages, including Erlang and Elixir. Created for developers, by developers, Code BEAM SF is dedicated to bringing the best minds in the Erlang and Elixir communities together to SHARE. LEARN. INSPIRE. over two days. Learn from 50+ cutting-edge talks and our in-depth training program, how BEAM languages are revolutionising areas like IoT, Blockchain, Fintech, Security, Machine Learning and more! See you in San Francisco!
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Code BEAM SF is the only conference in North America to bring all the languages that run on the BEAM together, including Erlang and Elixir.
Learn from 50+ cutting-edge talks and our in-depth training program, how BEAM languages are revolutionising areas like IoT, Blockchain, Fintech, Security, Machine Learning and more.
Our newly launched Code BEAM SF, formerly the Erlang Factory San Francisco (organised since 2008), is all about discovering the future of the Erlang Ecosystem and bringing together developers as a community to share knowledge and ideas, learn from each other and inspire to invent the future.
Introduction to Erlang and Elixir
New to Erlang and/or Elixir? Interested, but don't know quite where to dig in? We've all been there! In this track you will learn from other's experience, get a sense of the lay of the software ecosystem, get help from the community and contribute back for everyone's benefit.
Erlang and Elixir's popularity is growing but it's not always clear what off-the-shelf software is useful in production quality systems. In this track you will learn what existing production systems' maintainers are using to monitor and test their systems. This track will include the war stories and experience reports of novice and expert users alike.
Case Studies
Every new domain that Erlang and Elixir pushes into brings a new class of problems and a new class of solutions. In this track we'll learn from other's experience, where things have been peachy and where they haven't been so much. We'll all walk away with a more clear idea of how to build highly reliable software.
In this track you will learn from the leading experts and Erlang committers about new language constructs, virtual machine implementations and powerful libraries which together form the Erlang eco-system. Esoteric VM implementations are presented, alongside improvements and enhancements to the existing ones. You will learn how many of its features work and how to best use them to write fast and efficient code.
In this track, you will learn from the leading experts and committers about new and leading frameworks such as (but not limited to) Phoenix, MongooseIM, Nerves and RabbitMQ. You will find out how these frameworks work, how to best use them and where not to use them.
Distribution, Concurrency, Multicore & Functional
Scaling vertically by adding more powerful hardware is a thing of the past. We scaled horizontally, by adding more commodity hardware. With the coming of age of mega-core architectures, we have the choice of either adding more hardware or more cores, or both. Erlang style concurrency puts us ahead of the game when it comes to scaling with both approaches.
Our speakers

Miriam Pena
Voted one of the women to watch in tech by Women 2.0
15 Mar / 17.45 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM
Jessica DeVita
Senior Program Manager (Microsoft)
Unreachable Code - A Conversation about Safety and Human Factors
16 Mar / 17.05 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM
Kostis Sagonas
Creator of PropEr, CutEr and Concuerror
Testing Tools for the Erlang Ecosystem
15 Mar / 09.15 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM
Joe Armstrong
Co-creator Erlang
The Forgotten Ideas in Computer Science
16 Mar / 09.05 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM
Mark Allen
Principle Software Developer (Alert Logic)
Spells, Hexes, and Charms: Running your Own Private Package Service
16 Mar / 14.30 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Kostis Sagonas
Creator of PropEr, CutEr and Concuerror

Irina Guberman
Principal Product Architect at Xaptum
High Performance Metrics Through Mutable Counters: A Bite of the Forbidden Fruit
15 Mar / 15.30 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Christopher Coté
Technology, Sustainability, Food but Not Always in That Order! (Entropealabs)
Arduino, Elixir And Nerves: A Deep Dive Into the Firmata Protocol
15 Mar / 11.35 / REGIMENTAL

Erik Stenman
Erlang Programmer (HappiHacking)
Aeternity: Scalable Smart Contracts Interfacing With Real World Data
15 Mar / 17.15 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Osa Gaius
Engineer Focused on Product and Distributed Systems - Mailchimp

Fred Hebert
Erlang, Tools, and Systems (Postmates)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected
15 Mar / 14.40 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Robert Virding
Co-creator of Erlang, Trainer
Implementing Languages on the BEAM
15 Mar / 11.35 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Simon Thompson
Functional programmer in Haskell and Erlang, researcher and teacher of computer science @ University of Kent
Making It Lazy: never evaluate anything more than once
16 Mar / 14.30 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Mohnish Jadwani
Senior Developer and Explorer (MoneySmart)
Learning Elixir Better through Collaboration and Giving Back
15 Mar / 13.50 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Anton Lavrik
Lead of WhatsApp Erlang team
Tools Everyone Needs - A Reflection On Building And Running A Server At Whatsapp
16 Mar / 11.25 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Emma Cunningham
Developer (Second Spectrum)
Hype For Types - Using Dialyzer to Bring Type Checking to Your Elixir Code
15 Mar / 17.15 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Sam Williams
CEO (Archain) and PhD Candidate
Fighting Authoritarianism With Blockchain And Blockweaves
16 Mar / 14.30 / REGIMENTAL

Bernardo Amorim
Built a bank using Elixir and created a Word to HTML converter in Ruby that also converted math formulas to MathML
15 Mar / 15.30 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Murali Kashaboina
CEO (Entrigna), Former MD of Enterprise Architecture (United Airlines)
Erlang In Action – How Erlang Lets Us Create A Scalable Edge Based Iot Solution
16 Mar / 13.40 / REGIMENTAL

Geoffrey Lessel
Elixir Lover and Author of Phoenix in Action (Planning Center)
15 Mar / 17.15 / REGIMENTAL

Boshan Sun
Software engineer at Amazon, learned Erlang from Joe Armstrong
15 Mar / 14.40 / REGIMENTAL

Andrew Thompson
Author of Lager and Gen_smtp, Rebar and Riak Contributor
Bridging The Physical and Blockchain World With Erlang
15 Mar / 12.25 / REGIMENTAL

Jean Rouge
Tech Lead (Tripping)
The Magic Behind Immutable Maps, Or Why Erlang Didn't Have Maps Years Earlier
15 Mar / 12.25 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Brujo Benavides
🧙♂️ Oxbow Code Killer 🔥
Opaque Structures and Other Yerbas
15 Mar / 12.25 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Mariano Guerra
Programmer (Instadeq)
A Tour Through the Distributed System Zoo
16 Mar / 13.40 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM
Implementing Languages on the BEAM
15 Mar / 11.35 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Jay Hayes
(Stitch Fix)
Metaprogramming: Programs that Write Programs
15 Mar / 11.35 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Scott Lystig Fritchie
Stuck in distributed systems tarpits for 30 years
Wide World of Actors: comparing the Pony language to Erlang
16 Mar / 16.15 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Jeff Ching
Software Engineer (Google)
Designing Rich API Clients at Scale
16 Mar / 10.35 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Paul Schoenfelder
Prolific open source contributor, borderline workaholic. Speaker @ ElixirConf, Code BEAM SF, LoneStar Elixir
Releases and Elixir: Envisioning a more perfect union
16 Mar / 16.15 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Benoit Chesneau
Edge computing artisan

Mike Watters
Lifelong Learner (AdRoll)
Quaff that potion: saving $millions
15 Mar / 15.30 / REGIMENTAL

Adrian Cruz
Search, discovery and personalization software engineer
Mixing in Elixir to Build Search
16 Mar / 15.20 / REGIMENTAL

Brett Cameron
VP of open source applications and services at VMS Software, RabbitMQ expert
Next Generation SCADA: Monitoring and Controlling Devices in the Connected World
16 Mar / 10.35 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE
15 Mar / 13.50 / REGIMENTAL

David Brinnen
Versatile software and Embedded Systems Engineer (Energy Machines)
Next Generation SCADA: Monitoring and Controlling Devices in the Connected World
16 Mar / 10.35 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

James Weaver
Developer, Author and Speaker (Pivotal)
Quantum Computing Exposed: Schrödinger's Grumpy Cat
16 Mar / 11.25 / REGIMENTAL

Tian Chen
VPE, Technical Writer, Elixir Enthusiast
Release, Deploy, Monitor and Upgrade Elixir Services in Real World
16 Mar / 15.20 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Richard Kallos
Developer (AdGear) Master's student (Concordia University)
Introducing Wrek; A Library For Executing Dependency Graphs
16 Mar / 12.15 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

Robert Carbone
Visualizing the BEAM will Change the World
wxErlang & Faithful Representation
16 Mar / 13.40 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Michal Muskala
Software engineer, speaker, trainer, open source. Erlang, Elixir, Ruby.

Raimo Niskanen
Software and hardware gaffer, author of gen_statem.
Gen_statem - the tool you never knew you always wanted
16 Mar / 11.25 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE
16 Mar / 09.50 / CRYSTAL BALLROOM

James Fish
Software Engineer (Pinterest)

Sébastien Merle
I walked the road from C to Erlang in my quest for better concurrency.
15 Mar / 10.45 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE

Sonny Scroggin
Rusterlium core team member

Bryan Hughes
Entrepreneur, Innovative and Creative Thinker, CTO of IoT (Space Time Insight)
LPWAN and Cellular IoT explained - How to connect devices in the wild
16 Mar / 12.15 / CRYSTAL LOUNGE
Day 1 - 15 Mar 2018
Time |
08.00 - 09.00 |
09.00 - 09.15 |
09.15 - 10.00 |
Keynote: CRYSTAL BALLROOM Testing Tools for the Erlang Ecosystem Beginner |
10.00 - 10.15 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Update: Elixir Core Dev Team Beginner |
10.15 - 10.45 |
10.45 - 11.30 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Why Elixir Matters: Functional Programming and Web Performance in the 21st Century
CRYSTAL LOUNGE From Cloud to Edge Networks Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Intro to Machine Learning Beginner |
11.35 - 12.20 |
Robert Virding and Mariano Guerra CRYSTAL BALLROOM Implementing Languages on the BEAM Beginner |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Metaprogramming: Programs that Write Programs
REGIMENTAL Arduino, Elixir And Nerves: A Deep Dive Into the Firmata Protocol Intermediate |
12.25 - 12.50 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM The Magic Behind Immutable Maps, Or Why Erlang Didn't Have Maps Years Earlier
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Opaque Structures and Other Yerbas Beginner |
REGIMENTAL Bridging The Physical and Blockchain World With Erlang Intermediate |
12.50 - 13.50 |
13.50 - 14.35 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Learning Elixir Better through Collaboration and Giving Back Beginner |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Let it Be Hacked Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Getting to Know Your Rabbit RabbitMQ (http://www.rabbitmq.com) is a popular 100% Erlang-based Open Source message queuing system that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)... Beginner |
14.40 - 15.25 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected Intermediate |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Is Security on Your Nerves?
REGIMENTAL Understanding Erlang Term Beginner |
15.30 - 15.55 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM High Performance Metrics Through Mutable Counters: A Bite of the Forbidden Fruit
CRYSTAL LOUNGE CQRS and Event Sourcing Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Quaff that potion: saving $millions Beginner |
15.55 - 16.25 |
16.25 - 17.10 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Crypto + concurrency Beginner |
REGIMENTAL Taking it to the metal
17.15 - 17.40 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Aeternity: Scalable Smart Contracts Interfacing With Real World Data Intermediate |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Hype For Types - Using Dialyzer to Bring Type Checking to Your Elixir Code Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Gently Down the Stream
17.45 - 18.30 |
Keynote: CRYSTAL BALLROOM Unsung heroes of the BEAM Beginner |
18.30 - 22.00 |
Day 2 - 16 Mar 2018
Time |
09.00 - 09.05 |
09.05 - 09.50 |
Keynote: CRYSTAL BALLROOM The Forgotten Ideas in Computer Science Beginner |
09.50 - 10.05 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Update: OTP Team Beginner |
10.05 - 10.35 |
10.35 - 11.20 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Designing Rich API Clients at Scale Beginner |
Brett Cameron and David Brinnen CRYSTAL LOUNGE Next Generation SCADA: Monitoring and Controlling Devices in the Connected World Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Packaging for Production
11.25 - 12.10 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Tools Everyone Needs - A Reflection On Building And Running A Server At Whatsapp
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Gen_statem - the tool you never knew you always wanted Beginner |
REGIMENTAL Quantum Computing Exposed: Schrödinger's Grumpy Cat Beginner |
12.15 - 12.40 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Introducing Wrek; A Library For Executing Dependency Graphs
CRYSTAL LOUNGE LPWAN and Cellular IoT explained - How to connect devices in the wild In this talk, Brian will explain the differences between Low Power Wide Area Networks and Cellular IoT, and how to use them when deploying a real-world IoT solution in the wild, whether it is for remote wind and solar farms, rail, smart power poles, or real-time asset tracking for supply chain. Beginner |
REGIMENTAL Building and Integrating A Data Platform Intermediate |
12.40 - 13.40 |
13.40 - 14.25 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM A Tour Through the Distributed System Zoo
CRYSTAL LOUNGE wxErlang & Faithful Representation Beginner |
REGIMENTAL Erlang In Action – How Erlang Lets Us Create A Scalable Edge Based Iot Solution
14.30 - 15.15 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Spells, Hexes, and Charms: Running your Own Private Package Service Intermediate |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Making It Lazy: never evaluate anything more than once Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Fighting Authoritarianism With Blockchain And Blockweaves Beginner |
15.20 - 15.45 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Trusted autonomy Intermediate |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Release, Deploy, Monitor and Upgrade Elixir Services in Real World Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL Mixing in Elixir to Build Search Beginner |
15.45 - 16.15 |
16.15 - 17.00 |
CRYSTAL BALLROOM Releases and Elixir: Envisioning a more perfect union Intermediate |
CRYSTAL LOUNGE Wide World of Actors: comparing the Pony language to Erlang Intermediate |
REGIMENTAL A GraphQL-on-Elixir Primer GraphQL, a data query language released by Facebook in 2015, has been growing steadily in popularity, with GraphQL APIs supplementing (and in many cases supplanting) REST APIs for use in modern client-side web and mobile applications. Beginner |
17.05 - 17.50 |
Keynote: CRYSTAL BALLROOM Unreachable Code - A Conversation about Safety and Human Factors If I were to ask you what is your safety culture, what would that look like? Devops and continuous delivery and the tools that support it can offer us a measure of safety, but only against the things we think might go wrong. The importance of more dialogue on the nature of the relationship of humans and machines becomes apparent as twitter judges the UX of the Hawaii incident, while Equifax thinks email is a patching strategy. Beginner |
17.50 - 18.00 |
18.00 - 19.00 |
CA 94102
(415) 673-6672
Discounted rate of $205 (+Taxes) for a standard room inc breakfast, book now. Offer available only until 19 Feb.
From the Peninsula & San Francisco International Airport (SFO) or From the East Bay/Bay Bridge & Oakland International Airport (OAK).
Peninsula & San Francisco International Airport (SFO): TIME TBC
Eest Bay/Bay Bridge & Oakland International Airport (OAK): TIME TBC
All Metro routes to Powell Street Station. Exit station and walk up Powell Street to Sutter Street. Turn left and go one block west to 609 Sutter Street (at Mason St.). By Cable Car, use Powell & Mason or Powell & Hyde routes, disembark at Sutter Street.
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