The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Unexpected - SLIDES - Code BEAM SF 2018
Slides available HERE.

Fred Hebert
Fred is the author of Learn You Some Erlang, Erlang in Anger, and more recently, Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir. He co-founded and is a board member at the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation. He is a maintainer of Rebar3, and of various libraries such as recon, pobox, and so on. He is a platform developer at Postmates, with a focus on learning from incidents and poking at various things. Previously, he was Systems Architect at Genetec, a company offering security video and IoT integration systems. Even earlier, he was a principal member of technical staff on the Heroku platform, worked in real-time bidding, and provided Erlang training.