What can you expect from Code Mesh LDN 2018?


Organisations are transforming how they do business. Successfully preparing, nurturing and institutionalising technological innovations into business processes today, will define the successful IT leaders of tomorrow. How do businesses, IT leaders and aspirational developers go about doing this? How do they future proof their business processes, stay competitive and thrive in the future?

Code Mesh LDN is about finding ‘the right tool for the job'

Attending Code Mesh LDN provides a better understanding of the real challenges facing the tech industry today. Only at Code Mesh LDN will you discover such a unique variety of solutions to today’s most vital programming and tech problems. Through a better understanding of these challenges and through the solutions presented, business owners, IT leaders and developers can map a clear path to their future success, whilst avoiding unnecessary problems. At Code Mesh LDN, new research and thinking is released first. From nearly 40 talks to choose from, save time and effort by finding the right solution now! Take advantage of the research and discoveries of some of the brightest, most talented developers in the programming community today; leaders in their fields, language creators, professors, thought leaders and business visionaries.

Register for Code Mesh LDN and get involved in the evolution of the tech ecosystem.

Summary of Code Mesh LDN talks

Three thought-provoking keynotes

Carl Hewitt, creator of the Actor Model, will talk about ultra-concurrent programming languages for the next generation of intelligent applications. Federica Pelzel from Mastercard, will explore different strategies to prevent bias and discrimination in models. Kathleen Fisher, founder of HACMS program, will show us how to build software that hackers will struggle to break into.

Concurrency, Multi-core & Parallelism

Discover solutions inside live sessions, with Dragan Djuric, as he explains Interactive GPU programming with ClojureCUDA and ClojureCL. Natalia Chechina, lecturer in computing, will talk co-operative robots sharing computation load. Learn what co-routines are, with Dmitry Kandalov and finally explore with Yann Schwartz and Arnaud Bailly the use of logs as a system's main output.


Maxim Fedorov from WhatsApp, will show how to serve 1.5 billion users by improving Erlang’s scalability. Felix Lopez, a Research Master, will explain how to know the state of large distributed systems through Gossip protocols.


Peter Saxton will talk about message passing for actors and humans with Raxx.


Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) are helpful to the concurrent processing of systems, Prof. Carlos Baquero Moreno and Prof. Heather Miller will both give talks on this subject. Veronica Lopez, Sr. Software Engineer, will ask what complex problems can be solved by expressing systems in algebraic topology and graph theory? Finally, Ulf Wiger, will walk us through the challenges Aeternity faced building their Blockchain with Erlang.


Miles Sabin will be simplifying generic Scala programming with kind-polymorphism. Prof. Sophia Drossopoulou, will be achieving robustness through holistic specifications. Geoffroy Couprie, Security engineer, will explain parsing safely from 500MB/S to 2GB/s using Rust and parser combinators. Meanwhile, Hillel Wayne will be solving concurrency issues with TLA+ and Don Syme will be using F# code to explore good and bad code. We’ll also have Jyothsna Patnam, asking what work is being done to improve industrial adoption of pure functional programming. Finally, we’ll be joined by Jeremy Ruston, Creator of TiddlyWiki and Joe Armstrong, co-creator of Erlang, as they extend TiddlyWiki to a large distributed system.

The History and the Philosophy of Computer Science

How can we do ethical and safe computing after Cambridge Analytica, the weaponisation of social media and the intersection of infosec, AI and ethics? Kate Carruthers believes there is a way. Ron Pressler, veteran programmer, will be uncovering the history and relationship between computation, logic and algebra. Whilst Jimmy Soni, award-winning author, will unlock the life, times, and thought of Claude Shannon, the famed founder of information theory. Frieder Nake, pioneer of algorithmic art, will explore 1960s computing and a few early language constructs for producing graphics. Ju Goncalves, will see what happens when category theory is applied to model a declarative, purely functional way of programming artworks. Einar Høst, will use a vintage concatenative language to draw an Escher picture and Tom Harding, will be using PureScript to make spirographs.