Christopher Price
Head of Open Source @ Ericsson
As Head of Ericsson Software Technology, Chris represents Ericsson’s global interests and engagements in open source technologies across the Ericsson group. Based in Kista, Sweden, he oversees open source activity and development across Ericsson.
Having joined Ericsson in 1997, his career focused on research and development before moving to leadership. His global leadership experience from Stockholm to Madrid and Silicon Valley, covers technology areas from optical networking, through IP, to Packet Core and into OSS/BSS.
Chris, representing Ericsson on the OpenStack and Linux Foundation board of directors, is a strong believer in open source and collaborative development.
Through Ericsson Software Technology, he works toward the integration of open source paradigms across Ericsson.
Past Activities
13.10 - 13.40
Keynote: Safety in numbers, securing our BEAM
This talk will discuss the growing utility of the BEAM and how it is being used to support a broad industry landscape. Further discussing security concepts and the things we take for granted, how implied security does not always result in security and how further conversation around tooling and dependencies in our ecosystem will only serve to increase adoption.