Cynthia Solomon
Co-creator of Logo, author of "Computer Environments for Children"
Cynthia Solomon, MA in Computer Science from Boston University (1976) and an EdD from Harvard University (1985), is a pioneer in computer science and educational computing. In 1966 she collaborated with Seymour Papert, Danny Bobrow and Wally Feurzeig at Bolt, Beranek and Newman to create Logo, the first programming language designed for children.
Her focus has been on creating thoughtful, personally expressive, and aesthetically pleasing learning environments for children. Her collaboration with Seymour Papert resulted in Logo, the first programming language designed specifically for children. Her seminal book “Computer Environments for Children” was the first comprehensive reflection on computers in education, and her paper with Papert, “Twenty Things to do with a Computer” is a classic in the field. She recently co-edited a book of essays on education, Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education, which is a major contribution to reflecting on computational thinking and children.
Dr. Solomon currently conducts workshops, speaks at conferences, and serves on the program committee of Constructing Modern Knowledge. In 2016 she was awarded both the National Center for Women & Information Technology Pioneer Award and the Constructionism Lifetime Achievement Award. She is also the recipient of the 2019 FabLearn Lifetime Achievement Award.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
16.15 - 17.15
A Computer Culture for Children. Encouraging Children’s Inventive Spirit
In 1966 a group of us created Logo, a programming language for children and other learners. This language gave rise to a learning environment as well as a computer culture. The design of the language went through many iterations; the learning environment expanded to embrace making and programming a variety of physical and virtual objects; and the culture with its mix of learners, teachers and ideas broadened discussions on thinking about thinking.
The enthusiasm of children learning to program computers in school gave way to the realities of the lack of knowledgeable mentors and for a while led to schools embracing the learning of Microsoft Office skills. Today there is a new thrust of activity on making things. It raises questions about building and fostering their environments and cultures. What ideas might be helpful in casting these new spaces to encourage children’s creative spirit is the intention of this talk.
Code Mesh V
18.10 - 18.40