Evadne Wu
Judge of Spawnfest 2021 / Winner of Spawnfest 2020 / Creator of Etso & Packmatic
Evadne is a software engineer with prior experience in mobile application development and the current focus on Web-based applications and integration of exogenous services.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Europe 2022
14.40 - 15.25
Processes & Grains: A Journey in Orleans
A popular way to model the world and manage a long-running state in Erlang and Elixir programs is by using dedicated processes. While this approach is well understood, it can create runtime complexity which must be managed appropriately. Delete your orchestration code today by adopting a simpler way to cluster and distribute work.
- Introduce concepts within the Orleans framework with existing Erlang/OTP foundation in mind
- Review community goals with clustering and workload management
- Review existing and new library implementations
- Discuss approaches to adopt the new way of workload orchestration
You should attend this session if:
- You are responsible for developing and maintaining custom applications that model a large number of concurrently active entities
- You have adopted Erlang/OTP clustering, but find the implementation cumbersome to maintain
- You would like to make your application more scalable and fault-tolerant
- You like to minimise effort and achieve the desired qualities with as little code as possible
For maximum enjoyment, you should:
- Know how to create and maintain applications in Erlang and/or Elixir
- Have a good understanding of the problem domain (interactive & data-intensive Web applications)
17.35 - 18.15
The Holy Grail of Isomorphism
Isomorphic applications reuse code between client and server, but they are usually limited to the confines of a web browser. This often leaves out native (desktop or mobile) clients, and as a result, forces duplicative engineering effort.
In this session, Evadne shall demonstrate how this problem can be addressed by deconstructing and then recombining various technologies, so as to achieve true application code and tooling reuse between web, desktop and mobile clients, while reducing the chasm between client and server code and enabling teams to adopt new paradigms, such as LiveView, in a rather pervasive manner.