Jeremy "Jay" Zahner
Technologist, occasional poet & casual musician with a strong love for DevOps
As managing partner and business lead at JOSHMARTIN based in Switzerland, Jeremy is responsible for helping clients achieve their software development goals across a broad field of finance, insurance, and medical technology.
Jeremy started out managing the web platforms for a big news publisher in Switzerland at 17. He then went on to work on digital solutions in the advertising industry for a couple of years. In 2015, Jeremy and his good friend Christian decided to found a software agency to do business a little differently.
Ever since then, he has followed his passion for walking the tightrope between building an ideal workplace for software enthusiasts and providing clients with the right team for demanding and challenging software projects on the web platform.
Past Activities
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
14.30 - 15.10
COVID-19 contact tracing on the BEAM
COVID-19 contact tracing on the BEAMTracing a pandemic's spread throughout society presents its unique challenges. This talk will cover the history of «Hygeia», an application on the BEAM, built from scratch for the sole purpose of empowering health workers in managing the pandemic and its impact on the lives of the affected.
We will cover the story of how technologies such as Phoenix, LiveView, ecto, gen_smtp, Surface, and Docker/Kubernetes empowered us to develop a viable application in a highly dynamic field and how we discovered and overcame many pitfalls along the way.
The talk aims to give listeners
- a broad idea of the business and/or technical challenges contact tracing in general poses
- a possible solution to said challenges with technologies in the BEAM ecosystem
- an idea of potential pitfalls from using said technologies for this purpose and how to overcome them
- what we learned from working with technology in such a highly dynamic field such as the COVID-19 pandemic
- Listeners who are interested in how to make and argue technical decisions in a field like public health administration
- Listeners who are interested in leveraging the BEAM ecosystem for building interactive, real-time web applications
- People who already use the aforementioned technologies and want to know more about potential problems with them and how to overcome them