Kostis Sagonas
Creator of PropEr, CutEr and Concuerror
Past Activities
Code BEAM SF 2018
09.15 - 10.00
Testing Tools for the Erlang Ecosystem
In this talk we will present two testing tools for Erlang, focusing on recent additions to their features and capabilities that were developed and motivated by industrial case studies and applications.
The first tool, Proper (http://proper.softlab.ntua.gr/), has been extended to support targeted property-based testing, a powerful extension of property-based testing (PBT) that adds a search-based component to input generation. We will present how targeted PBT can be made automatic and how it can be applied to application areas such as sensor networks and security.
The second tool, Concuerror (http://concuerror.com/), has recently seen significant improvements to its underlying technology that allowed it to test and verify protocols for chain repair for CORFU, a distributed shared log which aims to be scalable and reliable in the presence of failures and asynchrony.
Articles: 1
Testing Tools for the Erlang Ecosystem - SLIDES - Code BEAM SF 2018
Slides from Kostis Sagonas's keynote talk "Testing Tools for the Erlang Ecosystem" - Code BEAM SF 2018