Lukas Larsson
Erlang VM core committer
Lukas first came in contact with Erlang 2004 while studying in Göteborg. He has been working with Erlang at Erlang Solutions for about 10 years in many different industries. For the last 8 years, he's been a consultant with the Erlang/OTP team at Ericsson AB, mainly working on the development of the Erlang VM.
Past Activities
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
15.20 - 15.50
Ask me anything about OTP
Short update from the OTP Team and then you will be able to ask them any question you like about their work.
Code BEAM V America
10.20 - 11.00
Ask me anything about OTP
Short update from the OTP Team and then you will be able to ask them any question you like about their work.
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
13.10 - 13.50
Fireside chat on JIT compiler
"Good things come to those who wait" goes the saying, and indeed, after 10 years and several interesting attempts and research, Erlang 24.0 finally comes out of the box with a JIT (i.e. Just-In-Time) compiler that is impressive both in its performance, as well as its simplicity, and has gotten the entire BEAM community talking about it!
In this fireside chat, hosted by Stavros Aronis, Lukas Larsson and John Högberg will answer all your questions about the new JIT.
Code Mesh V
18.50 - 19.30
JIT Compiler for Erlang/OTP
After many years of waiting, a JIT compiler is finally ready for Erlang/OTP. This presentation will give an overview of the implementation and show what you as a user can expect from it. I'll also go through the pros and cons of the approach that we have taken and have a look at what we imagine the future may bring.
16.45 - 17.25
Ask me anything about OTP Team
Open meeting with OTP Team. Unmute yourself and ask the guest any question about his work you like.
13.40 - 14.10
JIT Compiler for Erlang/OTP
After many years of waiting, a JIT compiler is finally ready for Erlang/OTP. This presentation will give an overview of the implementation and show what you as a user can expect from it. I'll also go through the pros and cons of the approach that we have taken and have a look at what we imagine the future may bring.
Code BEAM SF 2019
09.50 - 10.05
Update: OTP team
Lukas will give updates on what the OTP team has done in the last few months, what are the projects they're working on, and what's going on on the research side.
Code BEAM SF 2019
16.25 - 17.10
Process signals in OTP 21
In the lastest Erlang/OTP release all process interactions has been rebuilt from the bottom. This talk will describe the changes made, the performance tradeoffs and important semantics of Erlang's message passing.
Lukas will go through how all process signals worked before OTP 21, describe their shortcomings and present how it is implemented in OTP 21 to deal with the inherent scalability problems of the old solution.
To give the audience a better understanding of how all process interaction is done in the Erlang run-time system.
Anybody that is interested to look under the hood of the Erlang run-time system.