Martin Kleppmann
Distributed systems researcher and O'Reilly author
Dr Martin Kleppmann is a researcher in distributed systems at the University of Cambridge, and author of the acclaimed Designing Data-Intensive Applications (O'Reilly Media, 2017). He mainly works on collaboration software, CRDTs, and formal verification of distributed algorithms.
Previously he was a software engineer and entrepreneur at Internet companies including LinkedIn and Rapportive, where he worked on large-scale data infrastructure.
Past Activities
Code Mesh LDN
14.30 - 15.15
Correctness proofs of distributed systems with Isabelle
Testing systems is great, but tests can only explore a finite set of inputs and behaviours, while many distributed systems have an infinite state space. If you want to be sure that a program does the right thing in all possible situations, testing is not sufficient: only mathematical proof can cover an infinite state space. This talk introduces Isabelle/HOL, an interactive proof assistant (a kind of programming language and REPL for proofs), and explores how to formally verify distributed algorithms.
Attendees will:
- Get a taste of why and how we can formally verify software and algorithms
- Understand the most important reasoning tools available, such as proof by induction
- Learn about the difference between proof assistants like Isabelle and model-checkers like TLA+
Software developers who have experience developing distributed systems, but who have not previously done any formal verification.