Martin Odersky
Inventor of the Scala, founder of Lightbend
Inventor of the Scala language, a professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a founder of Lightbend. ACM fellow, co-designer of Java generics, and original author of the current javac reference Compiler.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
17.10 - 18.10
Panel discussion: Types for All: From weak to strong, from static to dynamic
When working from home, everyone looked at what books were on display on the shelves in the background. Type systems seemed to be very much in vogue, often put there to be seen. In order to not loose momentum, we are planning a panel on Type Systems at Code Mesh! It will be lead by Felienne Hermans of Leiden University.
The idea is to discuss the panelists' approach to type systems, the rationale behind their design decisions, and how they have benefited the programming languages they have created. Questions will include, but not be limited to: when do we want type, when are types in the way, and what can we do about that? How extensible should a type system be? Attendees, through the Q&A section of the app, will be able to ask their own questions. With cameras on, don't forget to put your books on display.
Code Mesh V
14.40 - 15.10