Mary Grygleski
Passionate community builder who believes in using tech for good
Mary is a Senior Developer Advocate at IBM, specializing in Reactive Java, Open Source, Cloud, and Distributed Systems. She started working as a software engineer with C and Unix, then got into Java, Open Source, and web development in the new Millennium, and now she has ventured into Reactive, Mobile, and the DevOps space. In her previous incarnations, she worked for several technology product companies in the Route 128 Boston Technology Corridor as well the San Francisco Bay Area. She now resides in the Greater Chicago area, and is the President and Executive Board Member of the Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG). She is also an active co-organizers for the Data, Cloud and AI In Chicago, Chicago Cloud, and IBM Cloud Chicago meetup groups. Mary continues to be amazed by how software innovations can dramatically transform our lives. Despite the many challenges in an ever-evolving technical world, she gets energized by the constant change and believes that she has uncovered the pathway to staying young. She can’t wait to see what the next tech wave will be like.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
18.50 - 19.30
Deploying a Modern Serverless Reactive container to the Cloud
We have been hearing a lot about the benefits of using the reactive approach to solving concurrency problems in distributed systems. While reactive programming refers to the implementation techniques being used on the coding level, on the systems deployment and runtime level, we can leverage on a robust yet very flexible and lightweight framework such as Vert.x to deliver. In this session, we will first learn about what the missions of a reactive system are, which, among many things, include handling multiple concurrent data stream flows and being able to control back pressure as well as managing errors in an elegant manner. The very loosely-coupled nature of a reactive system also lends itself very well to building microservices that can communicate well within its messaging infrastructure. We will also discuss the special polyglot nature of Vert.x, its event loop, and its use of the Vertical model. Live coding will accompany this session to illustrate how to program a simple use case using multiple JVM languages such as Java and Kotlin, we will then build and dockerize it to be deployed as a serverless container using Knative to a Kubernets/Openshift cluster on the cloud in a delightful manner.
The goal of this talk, among many other goals, is to enable the participants to learn some important concepts about event-driven and reactive systems, and how the lightweight yet very powerful Eclipse Vert.x can assist them to start building event-driven and reactive applications and microservices easily, as well as how to containerize and deploy them to the cloud in an un-intimidated fashion.
Application/Cloud Developers, Engineers, Architects