Melinda Tóth
Leader of the RefactorErl Project
Melinda Tóth works as a researcher at ELTE-Soft Nonprofit Ltd. (Budapest, Hungary), leading the ELTE-Ericsson Software Technology Lab. She is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), teaching distributed systems and Erlang/OTP technology, and the head of the Cooperation Center for IT Research and Education responsible for coordinating the industrial R&D projects of the Faculty of Informatics. On top of that Melinda is a chief architect of RefactorErl, a static source code analysis and transformation system for Erlang. Her research focuses on static program analysis and its usage in software development and maintenance.
Past Activities
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
14.20 - 15.00
Check your code with RefactorErl!
RefactorErl is a source code analysis and transformation tool for Erlang. You might know some of its useful features, like refactorings, code comprehension support, semantic queries, software complexity measures, dependence analysis, software clustering, etc. In this talk, I would like to show how you can use the tool
- to check certain properties of your software (for example, checking lexical, syntactic conditions (e.g. design rules)),
- to find code fragments during bug localisation or code comprehension, and
I will also highlight some recent developments in security vulnerability checkers.
Code BEAM Lite Budapest
17.10 - 17.50
Research + Industry = Inspiration
Erlang has been inspiring research and industry from its first days – and is itself a result of successful application of research and industrial practices. In this talk we will explore what makes Erlang an exciting topic for collaboration between industry and academia, Erlang’s attractiveness to researchers and talk about transformation of research ideas into companies. We’ll also discuss ways of getting involved in research.