Nobuko Yoshida
Professor of Computing at Imperial College London
Nobuko Yoshida is Professor of Computing at Imperial College London. Last 10 years, her main research interests are theories and applications of protocols specifications and verifications. She introduced multiparty session types which received Most Influential POPL Paper Award in 2018 (judged by its influence over the last decade). This work enlarged the community and widened the scope of applications of session types, e.g. runtime monitoring based on Scribble (co-developed with Red Hat) has been deployed to other projects such as cyberinfrastructure in the US Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI); and widened the scope of her research areas.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
16.15 - 16.55
Session Types: a History and Applications
Session types is a typing discipline for concurrent and distributed processes that can detect errors such as communication mismatches and deadlocks, statically or dynamically.
This talk first gives a brief history of session types, along with a very gentle industry-friendly introduction of session types.
I then talk how an extension of session types to multiparty interactions (multiparty session types) was discovered under the collaborations with industry.
I then give a summary of our recent research developments on session types for verifying distributed, parallel and concurrent programs, and our collaborations with industry partners with demos.