Richard Kallos
Developer (AdGear) Master's student (Concordia University)
Past Activities
Code BEAM SF 2018
12.15 - 12.40
Introducing Wrek; A Library For Executing Dependency Graphs
Dependency graphs are a useful representation for exploring opportunities to introduce concurrency in a larger system. They are hidden all over computing (compilers, build systems) and everyday life (to-do lists, cooking recipes). Users can define a set of tasks, as well as dependencies between them, and wrek will execute the resulting graph as concurrently as possible.
Introduce/refamiliarize the audience with dependency graphs, explore the conception and design of wrek, showcase how wrek can be used and integrated into larger projects, demonstrate wrek's broad applicability.
Developers interested in seeing where mathematics and everyday life collide. Developers interested in new Erlang/OTP libraries.
Articles: 2
Introducing Wrek - SLIDES - Code BEAM SF 2018
Slides from Richard Kallos' talk "Introducing Wrek - a library for executing dependency graphs" - Code BEAM SF 2018