Saša Jurić
Elixir mentor, author of Elixir in Action
Saša is a freelancer helping companies with the adoption of Elixir. He has many years of experience building server systems, as well as desktop applications using various languages and technologies. For the past nine years, his focus has been on building backend systems using Elixir and Erlang. He is the author of "Elixir in Action", and an occasional blogger at theerlangelist.com.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Italy 2019
09.10 - 09.50
Such great heights
If you don't have a hammer, nothing looks like a nail. Concurrency in BEAM is a great fit for a lot of problems, but it's often overlooked, because many of us have worked for a long time without having such a hammer in our tool box. By doing so, we may have settled for improvisations in place of a more appropriate tool.
This talk aims to raise awareness in the potentials of BEAM concurrency. It does so by presenting a real-world situation, to implement a brand new solution to a well-known problem, to re-invent the wheel, despite the fact that many off-the-shelf options are available.
We'll examine the motivation behind this decision, and go through some interesting technical aspects of the implementation.
After this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what can be achieved with BEAM concurrency, and they will hopefully be motivated to use it more frequently.
Code BEAM Lite Budapest
09.15 - 09.55
Such great heights
If you don't have a hammer, nothing looks like a nail. Concurrency in BEAM is a great fit for a lot of problems, but it's often overlooked, because many of us have worked for a long time without having such a hammer in our tool box. By doing so, we may have settled for improvisations in place of a more appropriate tool.
This talk aims to raise awareness in the potentials of BEAM concurrency. It does so by presenting a real-world situation, to implement a brand new solution to a well-known problem, to re-invent the wheel, despite the fact that many off-the-shelf options are available.
We'll examine the motivation behind this decision, and go through some interesting technical aspects of the implementation.
After this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what can be achieved with BEAM concurrency, and they will hopefully be motivated to use it more frequently.
Code BEAM Lite Amsterdam 2018
09.15 - 09.55
Such great heights
If you don't have a hammer, nothing looks like a nail. Concurrency in BEAM is a great fit for a lot of problems, but it's often overlooked, because many of us have worked for a long time without having such hammer in our tool belt. By doing so, we may have settled for improvisations in place of a more appropriate tool.
This talk aims to raise the awareness about the potential of BEAM concurrency by presenting a real-world situation where Elixir has been used to reinvent a wheel, and implement a brand new solution to a well-known problem, despite the fact that there were many off-the-shelf options available. We'll examine the motivation behind this decision, and go through some interesting technical aspects of the implementation.
After the talk, the audience will gain a better feeling about what can be achieved with BEAM concurrency, and they will hopefully be motivated to reach for it more frequently.