Sergey Bykov
Bringing Cloud down to Earth
Sergey Bykov was one of the founders of the Orleans project at Microsoft Research and continued to lead its development for over a decade. Before joining Research Sergey had worked in several Microsoft product groups, from BizTalk and Host Integration Server to embedded operating systems for Point of Sale terminals to Bing. The mediocre state of developer tools for cloud services and distributed systems at the time inspired him to join the Orleans project in order to qualitatively improve developer productivity in that area.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
15.20 - 16.00
State of Affairs or Affairs of State
Cloud services demand fast and resilient execution of large numbers of concurrent requests. Processing of requests is ultimately about managing of application state and handling of failures. When we outgrow the stateless paradigm, for performance or cost reasons, and enter the world of stateful applications, the challenge becomes even more interesting. In this talk Sergey Bykov will give an overview of two different approaches to building such applications as implemented by Orleans and Temporal.