Wiebe-Marten Wijnja
Developer / Contributor / Fanboy
Wiebe-Marten loves conceiving things that just keep working. A Computing Scientist in body and mind. Wiebe-Marten has 12+ years of practical web-development experience. In 2012, he started to specialise in working with decentralised, distributed and fault-tolerant systems. Initially working with Blockchain-based systems from 2012 onwards, the BitTorrent protocol, and other systems that allow for decentralised data sharing. He is an enthusiastic open sourcerer, a long-time developer using the Elixir programming language (maintainer of more than 20 libraries on Hex.PM), and a moderator on the Elixir Forum. You can also occasionally hear him (being wrong) in discussions on the Elixir mailing list.
In his spare time, Wiebe-Marten loves making music (piano, marimba), running, dancing and experiencing new things.