Code BEAM America
Discovering the future of the Erlang Ecosystem. Code BEAM America conference is built on the long standing legacy of the Erlang Factory Conferences. It is an action-packed two-day conference fused with a mix of talks on innovation and open-source applications based on Erlang, OTP, Elixir, LFE, BEAM and other emerging technologies!
Code BEAM Europe
Discovering the future of the Erlang Ecosystem. Another edition of the Code BEAM conference this time based in Berlin. Built on the success of Erlang User Conference & Code BEAM STO, Code BEAM Europe - is a two-day conference fused with a mix of talks on innovation and open-source applications based on Erlang, OTP, Elixir, LFE, BEAM and other emerging technologies!
Code BEAM Lite
Code BEAM Lite conferences, formerly known as Erlang Factory Lites, are one-day community-driven conferences aimed at discovering the future of the Erlang Ecosystem and bringing together developers to share knowledge & ideas, learn from each other and inspire to invent the future. These conferences are being organised in various locations across 2018, we already confirmed two in Milan and Berlin!
ElixirConf EU
Lambda Days
Code Mesh LDN
Exploring Alternative Tech. It’s our London based conference promoting the non-mainstream technologies. A two-day conference that brings together users and speakers of different languages to share their innovative and inspiring projects. All in the spirit of exploring the alternative tech and learning from one another!
Code Elixir LDN
Connecting the Elixir Community. Code Elixir is a one-day conference bringing together the Elixir community. It is a great place to meet new friends and learn about new projects, Elixir being in production and innovation that have grown out of the Elixir language.