Get ready for an action-packed, one-day conference, fused with a mix of talks on innovation and open-source applications based on Erlang, OTP, Elixir, LFE, BEAM and other emerging technologies! All this happens in the exciting city of Berlin, home to many startups and a city with amazing creative energy.

The conference is co-organised by Bitcrowd.


Bye Erlang Factory Lite! Hello Code BEAM Lite!

Welcome to Code BEAM Lite conferences (formerly known as the Erlang Factory Lite), which now belong to Code Sync family of tech conferences! The essence of the Code BEAM Lite conferences will build on the long-standing legacy of Erlang Factory Lite and will continue to bring together our community to share, learn and inspire. Check out past conferences by visiting our old website, but do come back here as we’ll be posting more details and the old website will fade away.

Our speakers

Natalia Chechina

Natalia Chechina

One of the core authors of SD Erlang, lecturer in computing (Bournemouth University)

Erlang scales robots

12 Oct / 09.15 / Main room

Michal Muskala

Michal Muskala

Software engineer, speaker, trainer, open source. Erlang, Elixir, Ruby.

Getting distributed with Firenest

12 Oct / 10.00 / Main room

Tobias Pfeiffer

Tobias Pfeiffer

Benchee Creator & freelancer getting people on the BEAM

Your monolith, Elixir, and you

12 Oct / 17.35 / Main room

Devon Estes

Devon Estes

Maintainer of Benchee & Elixir track on exercism.io

Digging through the garbage

12 Oct / 15.15 / Main room

Hubert Łępicki

Hubert Łępicki

Chairman of the Board (AmberBit Sp. z o. o.)

Functional APIs with GraphQL & Elixir

12 Oct / 16.50 / Main room

Lou Xun

Lou Xun

"The Elixir guy" (CCP Games)

Stateful property-based testing: with a game logic case study

12 Oct / 11.10 / Main room

René Föhring

René Föhring

Head of Product Development @ 5Minds

Inch: How Elixir 1.7 changed the rules for documentation analysis

12 Oct / 11.55 / Main room

Leandro Bighetti

Leandro Bighetti

Elixir Developer (Entelios AG)

How to teach Elixir to non-functional developers

12 Oct / 12.40 / Main room

Andrey Chernykh

Andrey Chernykh

Full-time Elixir developer, OSS enthusiast, medium.com-writer

Structs for order

12 Oct / 16.00 / Main room

Karl Nilsson

Karl Nilsson

Karl wrestles distributed rabbits for a living

Ra: a Raft implementation

12 Oct / 14.30 / Main room



Main room

08.00 - 09.00


09.00 - 09.15


09.15 - 09.55

Natalia Chechina

Main room

Erlang scales robots

Scaling robots reliably

10.00 - 10.40

Michal Muskala

Main room

Getting distributed with Firenest

Learn about the Firenest project, the abstractions it provides, what it enables and how it's used within the Phoenix framework itself.

10.40 - 11.10


11.10 - 11.50

Lou Xun

Main room

Stateful property-based testing: with a game logic case study

Going from TDD to stateful PBT, finding a concurrency bug (among many others) with it, and finally showing how to write one such test yourself.


11.55 - 12.35

René Föhring

Main room

Inch: How Elixir 1.7 changed the rules for documentation analysis

In most languages there are tools for testing and static analysis to identify code smells and refactoring opportunities. But for a long time there was no tool to help you figure out which parts of a codebase were lacking documentation the most. This talk covers how Inch filled that niche for hundreds of Elixir programmers, what’s unique about Elixir’s approach to docs as first class citizens and how the recent support for EEP 48 in Elixir 1.7 changed the rules for documentation analysis.


12.40 - 13.00

Leandro Bighetti

Main room

How to teach Elixir to non-functional developers

In this talk, Leandro will speak about efficient ways of teaching newcomers to the language: how to get people interested in the language, where people usually struggle and how to overcome these challenges. This will use Elixir as the basis language but will serve as a framework to generalise to other functional languages.


13.00 - 14.30


14.30 - 15.10

Karl Nilsson

Main room

Ra: a Raft implementation


15.15 - 15.55

Devon Estes

Main room

Digging through the garbage

The BEAM was designed to run on 1980's hardware and never crash. How does it manage to run for so long on machines with such little memory and still have such good soft-real time performance? This talk will explore the answer by looking at the basics of how the BEAM handles memory in processes and a bit about its very special garbage collection algorithm.


16.00 - 16.20

Andrey Chernykh

Main room

Structs for order

Sometimes when Andrey looks at Elixir code written by Elixir-newcomers he notices that some of them avoid Structs. Maybe ‘avoid’ is the wrong word, but he sees a lack of Structs usage.


16.20 - 16.50


16.50 - 17.30

Hubert Łępicki

Main room

Functional APIs with GraphQL & Elixir

GraphQL is the next big thing in APIs development, and is slowly replacing RESTful based JSON APIs as a means of client-server communication. Elixir has excellent support for GraphQL in the form of the Absinthe library. Hubert will show us how to integrate GraphQL with Elixir, but also how to think about GraphQL resources in a functional manner.


17.35 - 18.15

Tobias Pfeiffer

Main room

Your monolith, Elixir, and you

Join Tobias on his tale of adopting Elixir and Phoenix and see what he learned, what he loved, and what bumps he hit along the road.

18.20 - 18.30



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10997 Berlin



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