Thank you for joining us in Stockholm and online for our first hybrid Code BEAM EU. Hope you enjoyed over 30 cutting-edge talks and in-depth tutorials from the best minds in Erlang and Elixir coding.
Meet some of the people and companies using Erlang and Elixir in production in areas like Fintech, eCommerce, IoT, Gaming, Blockchain, Security, Machine Learning and more. Learn how BEAM languages are giving companies a cutting-edge advantage - all within the context of high-performance and massively scalable distributed systems.
We’re excited to be able to bring the Erlang and Elixir communities together in-person and online via a hybrid event.
What does a hybrid event mean? We’ll be hosting a live event for those who are just as excited as us to attend in person at the conference venue. There will be a mix of speakers attending in-person and streaming into the venue to help us create the right balance and atmosphere that you would expect from one of our events. The talks from the venue will be streamed to the virtual platform, accessible for those who attend online.
What if I can’t attend in person? To cater to people’s varying needs, we are continuing to offer this conference as a virtual event, live, on the same day as the in-person conference with talks streamed from the venue and given virtually. Over the last 2 years, we have developed a format for running virtual conferences that is full of learning, networking and social interaction. That will continue to be the cast for this event.
If you are planning to attend in person we are committed to maintaining a safe environment and following the current COVID guidelines to keep you safe while meeting the friends we have not seen for over 2 years.
REGISTER - Early Bird tickets end March 29
GROUP TICKETS - Contact us for special group discounts for group bookings.
ACADEMIC TICKETS - We love students and academics, student tickets will be available.
DIVERSITY SCHEME - We're committed to diversity at Code BEAM Europe. Thanks to Klarna we can offer tickets to attend in person or online. The application process is open.
VOLUNTEER - Join the Code BEAM Europe family and get free access to the conference - online or in person! The application process is open.
Sign up to the Code BEAM Europe mailing list for the latest updates, or follow @CodeBEAMio to be reminded of all of our key dates, speaker announcements, and ticket news.
An organization needs growth. If you are wondering how to best onboard new members to your team, adopt new technologies or take your products to the next level, listening from those who have faced the same challenges can greatly improve your chances!
A deep understanding of how software is behaving in the actual production environment is crucial for success. The DevOps paradigm enables developers to quickly and effectively understand the customer and organization needs, develop solutions, and see the impact of their work in production. Join to learn how some of the most effective teams overcome usual and unusual challenges in their production environment.
The needs of the modern web and cloud environments are a natural evolution of those of the telecom domain, and it is, therefore, no surprise that the BEAM and all its dialects and tools continue to serve well those that choose them. Come find out about all the latest paradigms and frameworks for web and cloud development.
Few engineers have the luxury to be experts in every domain they need to work in, and few teams have the resources to carefully plan ahead while at the same time adopting all the continuously discovered best practices for maintaining their software. Find out how different teams keep improving their legacy systems and also catch up with all the developments in the tools that help them do so.
What's cooking in the BEAM? What are the latest cool projects in the ecosystem? Join to find out!
Day 1 - 19 May 2022
Time |
Mässhallen |
Galleriet |
08.00 - 09.00 |
Registration |
09.00 - 09.15 |
Welcome |
09.15 - 10.00 |
Keynote: Mässhallen Building Brilliant BEAM Teams
10.00 - 10.15 |
Mässhallen Update from the OTP Team
10.15 - 10.45 |
Coffee Break |
10.45 - 11.30 |
Mässhallen Working Effectively With Erlang Legacy Code Intermediate |
Galleriet The Hunt for the Cluster-Killer Bug Intermediate |
11.35 - 12.20 |
Stavros Aronis and Hans Nahringbauer Mässhallen Growing together with the BEAM Intermediate |
Galleriet Smashing the Data Bottleneck with Federated Machine Learning on the BEAM Intermediate |
12.25 - 12.50 |
Mässhallen QUICER: Next-Generation Transport Protocol Library for BEAM Beginner |
Galleriet Comparing the Actor Model and CSP Concurrency with Elixir and Clojure Intermediate |
12.50 - 13.50 |
Lunch |
13.50 - 14.35 |
Mässhallen Digital Twin, Planning and Control with Erlang Intermediate |
Michal Gibowski and Hamza Belhaj Galleriet LiveView and JavaScript. A Guide to Achieving Synergy Beginner |
14.40 - 15.25 |
Mässhallen Processes & Grains: A Journey in Orleans Intermediate |
Galleriet Slaying the Type Hydra, or How We Went from 12,000 Dialyzer Errors to None Intermediate |
15.30 - 15.55 |
Mässhallen Runtime Modes and Plugins in Erlang Intermediate |
Galleriet Conway's Law Compliance in a Many-Services Architecture Intermediate |
15.55 - 16.25 |
Coffee Break |
16.25 - 17.10 |
Mässhallen Erlang for Untrusted Decentralized Systems Advanced |
Galleriet Learning Erlang and Elixir through Exercism and Advent of Code Intermediate |
17.15 - 17.40 |
Mässhallen Vaxine, the Rich-CRDT Database for Elixir/Phoenix Applications Intermediate |
Galleriet Incremental Dialyzer - How we made Dialyzer 3x Faster Intermediate |
17.45 - 18.30 |
Mässhallen Lightning talks
18.30 - 20.30 |
Conference Reception |
Day 2 - 20 May 2022
Time |
Mässhallen |
Galleriet |
09.00 - 09.05 |
Welcome |
09.05 - 09.50 |
Quinn Wilton and Robert Virding Keynote: Mässhallen Backtracking through Time and Space in Erlang
09.50 - 10.05 |
Mässhallen Update from the Elixir Core Dev Team Intermediate |
10.05 - 10.35 |
Coffee Break |
10.35 - 11.20 |
Mässhallen Evolving Erlang/OTP Feature by Feature Intermediate |
Galleriet Designing BEAM Systems for the Cloud (Amazon AWS) Intermediate |
11.25 - 12.10 |
Mässhallen Trace Specifications and Chaos Engineering: Advanced Testing with Snabbkaffe Intermediate |
Galleriet Know your Past to Predict your Future --- Time Travel Debugging in Production! Intermediate |
12.15 - 12.40 |
Mässhallen Lambdapad, Static Websites with Elixir (or Erlang) Beginner |
Galleriet Improve your tests with Makina Intermediate |
12.40 - 13.40 |
Lunch |
13.40 - 14.25 |
Mässhallen ROSiE the Robot Operating System in Erlang Intermediate |
Galleriet Testing Done PropEr Advanced |
14.30 - 15.15 |
Mässhallen Kill All Mutants! (Intro to Mutation Testing) Intermediate |
Galleriet Flow-Based Programming with Elixir and ALF Intermediate |
15.20 - 15.45 |
Mässhallen A Serverless Runtime on the BEAM Intermediate |
Galleriet Sheldon: The Erlang Spell Checker Intermediate |
15.45 - 16.15 |
Coffee Break |
16.15 - 17.00 |
Keynote: Mässhallen Burn Your Laurels
17.05 - 17.15 |
Closing notes |
17.15 - 18.15 |
Our speakers

Cons T. Åhs
Developer in Erlang/OTP Team, Borderline Senior

Dániel Szoboszlay
Juggling the data of Europe's biggest fintech unicorn

Peer Stritzinger
GRiSP Inventor, Distributed Computing in IoT and everywhere

Adolfo Neto
Creator and Co-Host of Elixir em Foco Podcast
Learning Erlang and Elixir through Exercism and Advent of Code

Ayanda Dube
Principal Engineer and RabbitMQ Contributor

Manuel Rubio
Polyglot Developer, Writer, Manager and Trainer

Greg Mefford
Maintainer of Spandex, Former Nerves Core Team Member

Quildreen Motta Ribeiro
Engineer at Klarna and Illustrator
Know your Past to Predict your Future --- Time Travel Debugging in Production!

Dmitrii Fedoseev
Saved Companies Hours of Downtime by Being Paranoid
Trace Specifications and Chaos Engineering: Advanced Testing with Snabbkaffe

Jesper Eskilson
Erlang Community Lead and Senior Engineer at Klarna
Slaying the Type Hydra, or How We Went from 12,000 Dialyzer Errors to None

Dave Aronson
Helping Companies Write Better Software Faster

Andrew Thompson
Author of Lager and Gen_smtp, Rebar and Riak Contributor

Evadne Wu
Judge of Spawnfest 2021 / Winner of Spawnfest 2020 / Creator of Etso & Packmatic

Thomas Davies
Programming Languages Enthusiast

Vijay Chakilam
Pioneering Intelligent Microfrontends; Delivering AI as a Component
Smashing the Data Bottleneck with Federated Machine Learning on the BEAM

Xiang Ji
Senior Backend Engineer @ Remote
Comparing the Actor Model and CSP Concurrency with Elixir and Clojure

William Yang
Software Engineer at EMQ X

Anton Mishchuk
Writes Code for Humans, Not for Machines

Michal Gibowski
Engineering Team Lead at Andjaro

Hamza Belhaj
Software Engineer at Andjaro

James Arthur
Geek Generalist. Founder & CEO Vaxine. Previously Founder Hazy, Post Urban, Opendesk.
Vaxine, the Rich-CRDT Database for Elixir/Phoenix Applications

Marcel Lanz
Engineer at Heart and Founding Member of the Eigr.io Project

Luis Eduardo Bueso de Barrio
PhD candidate at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Andrea Leopardi
Elixir core team member, developer advocate, engineer at Apple
Update from the Elixir Core Dev Team
We are always looking to improve diversity and inclusion at Code BEAM events. To help achieve this, thanks to our sponsor Klarna, we are providing free diversity and inclusions places to under-represented groups in tech. Applications close on 18 April 2022.
Want to join one of the most exciting IT conferences in Europe free of charge? Join our team as a volunteer!
As part of our efforts to grow the community, the Education working group at the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation would like to invite students, underrepresented groups in tech, people with disabilities or people who could otherwise not afford to, to attend the virtual conference for free.
Münchenbryggeriet Events & Conferences
The nearest metro is Mariatorget T-bana, exit Torkel Knutssonsgatan. The Google Maps can be a bit misleading when you type in "Mariatorget T-bana", so to save yourself some walking, we recommend taking this exit (close to Krukmakargatan).
The address for arriving by taxi is Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, 118 25 Stockholm.
Covid-19 safety guidelines
Your safety and the safety of others is of the utmost importance to us as organisers and the Münchenbryggeriet
All attendees must read and follow our safety guidelines (click read all).
Attending virtually doesn’t mean you can’t have conference giveaways. You can now order t-shirts (included in the in-person ticket!), sweatshirts, mugs and many more items, from the comfort of your couch. Please note, that all items are ordered directly with Spreadshirt but are branded with the official conference branding. Any issues with the items should be directed to the supplier and not Code Sync.
Lightning Talks
Lightning talks will take place on Thursday 19 May at 17.45 - 18.30 CEST.
If you think you have a subject the crowd should hear about, please submit the details via the button. Talks should be no longer than 5 minutes.
You can present virtually or in person from the stage.
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