Code Elixir LDN is a one-day, one track conference bringing together the Elixir community to share, learn and be inspired. The conference is suitable for all levels of programming experience and all team members, from developers to CTOs and above.
Our speakers

Johanna Larsson
Contributed to Elixir core that one time
Performant String Processing Scripts in Elixir

Osa Gaius
Engineer Focused on Product and Distributed Systems - Mailchimp
Resisting Object-Oriented Programming

James Every
Delivered several large scale integration and business transformation projects around Europe
Building an IoT Demand Response solution with Elixir

Ben Smith
Bringing event sourcing to the functional world of Elixir.
An event-driven approach to building Elixir applications

Mikael Muszynski
Elixir consultant, Haskell amateur, tea enthusiast
Typeclasses: the value of programming vocabulary

Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna
Building white-label, blockchain-compatible, e-wallet backend for OmiseGO
Building an interactive CLI app that people will love in Elixir

Lightning Talks
Your chance to give your project a shout out!
Day 1 - 18 Jul 2019
Time |
Broadgate Suite |
08.15 - 09.00 |
09.00 - 09.15 |
Welcome |
09.15 - 10.00 |
Keynote: Broadgate Suite Confident Elixir
10.00 - 10.20 |
10.20 - 10.40 |
Broadgate Suite Error-free Elixir Error handling can greatly increase the complexity of the system. In Elixir, the default way of reducing the error-handling code is to use the "Let it crash!" approach. But there's another way. Beginner |
10.45 - 11.05 |
Broadgate Suite Building an interactive CLI app that people will love in Elixir The command line interface (CLI) can play a big part of a great developer experience (DX). But building a user-friendly interactive CLI can be a daunting task. Intermediate |
11.10 - 11.30 |
Broadgate Suite Performant String Processing Scripts in Elixir Can you write a performant string processing script in Elixir? Incrementally optimizing a simple implementation while introducing many interesting parts of Elixir, including ETS, and iolists, we end up with a 10x speedup over the original implementation. Intermediate |
11.30 - 12.00 |
Coffee Break |
12.00 - 12.20 |
Broadgate Suite Building an IoT Demand Response solution with Elixir How to convert an RFP in the Energy Sector into a design and prototype that can scale to serve 100k chatty connected devices. Advanced |
12.25 - 12.45 |
Broadgate Suite Typeclasses: the value of programming vocabulary Elixir programmers are blessed with a language that allows them to be productive, seemingly without needing to reach for these arcane spells. And yet, for building architectures we have spells like "GenServer" and "Supervisor", among others. Intermediate |
12.50 - 13.10 |
Broadgate Suite Resisting Object-Oriented Programming Beginner |
13.10 - 14.25 |
14.25 - 14.45 |
Broadgate Suite Hold My State: The Problems of Process State Intermediate |
14.50 - 15.10 |
Broadgate Suite An event-driven approach to building Elixir applications We experience the real world by reacting to events that have occurred, what if we modelled our Elixir applications in the same way? Intermediate |
15.10 - 15.30 |
15.30 - 15.50 |
Broadgate Suite UI Testing is Ruff; Hound Can Help Whether you call it UI testing, End-to-End Testing, End-to-User Testing, or Acceptance Testing--it is often an intensely manual and time-consuming process. An Elixir library, Hound, can carry some of the load through browser automation. Intermediate |
15.55 - 16.15 |
Broadgate Suite The Alchemist's Code: Bringing More Value with Less Magic Every developer has faced this at least once. You return to the code you wrote some time ago and you have no idea what it does. This can be frustrating, especially if said code has just crashed in production. But there is a way of designing applications so they are approachable, even upon first reading. Intermediate |
16.15 - 16.45 |
Coffee Break |
16.45 - 17.30 |
Keynote: Broadgate Suite The River
17.30 - 18.25 |
18.25 - 18.30 |
18.30 - 23.55 |
CASH BAR @ WM Barker |
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