Wide World of Actors - SLIDES - Code BEAM SF 2018
Slides available HERE.

Scott Lystig Fritchie
Scott Lystig Fritchie was a UNIX systems administrator until he returned to programming full-time at Sendmail, Inc. While at Sendmail in 2000, a colleague introduced him to Erlang. His world hasn't been the same since. In addition to writing Erlang and occasionally C for the Erlang virtual machine, he has had papers published by USENIX, the Erlang User Conference, and the ACM and has given presentations at Erlang Factory and Ricon. He was co-chair of the 2016 & 2017 ACM Erlang Workshops (Nara, Japan and Oxford, UK) and will probably ask you to submit a paper for the 2018 workshop in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Scott works at Wallaroo Labs on a polyglot distributed system of Pony, Python, Go, and C.