Andrea Leopardi
Elixir core team member, developer advocate, engineer at Apple
Andrea is a human born in the ancient lands of central Italy. He loves functional programming, beautiful code, and learning stuff. He's a software architect, speaker, and member of the core team of the Elixir programming language. His weak spot is having red hair.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Europe 2022
09.50 - 10.05
Update from the Elixir Core Dev Team
Andrea will give updates on what the Elixir team has done in the last few months, what are the projects they're working on, what's going on on the research side, and what features will be in the next release.
Code BEAM Lite Virtual
16.05 - 16.30
Mint - Disrupting HTTP clients
Mint is a young HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 client for Elixir that aims at disrupting the status quo of HTTP clients for Erlang and Elixir. Mint is built on the idea of having a functional, data-centric client that is not backed up by a process and doesn't impose a process architecture on its users. In this talk, we'll discuss the ideas behind Mint's design and get a feel of how Mint works. We'll spend some time exploring how the low-level interface that Mint provides lets us build different abstractions on top of it that are suited for different situations.
The talk is aimed at informing participants about;
- How to implement business solutions based on erlang processes (Genserver)
- Orchestrating Genservers and Supervisors
- Best practices for working with processes
- Debugging process related problems/bugs with adverse effect on host machine resource e.g Memory, CPU.
- How to build a game engine with Elixir.
Code BEAM V America
10.15 - 10.55
Ask Me Anything on OTP
Do you have any questions on OTP, be it Erlang, Elixir or the underlying concepts behind both? Come ask Francesco Cesarini, member of the team who released the first version of OTP (and co-author of designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP) and Andrea Leopardi, member of the Elixir core team and longtime advocate of OTP.
Code BEAM Lite India
10.00 - 10.45
Software Librarians
Libraries are the building blocks of software. All applications I've worked with make heavy use of libraries. But who writes the libraries? In this talk, Andrea will share his perspective as a library author, and talk about library design, open source, extensibility, documentation, and people.
Code BEAM Lite Budapest
11.00 - 11.40
Elixir Architecture 101
If you're writing a stateless web application backed up by a database, there's a good chance Elixir is a great fit. However, that's not where it shines. In this talk, we'll discuss how to architect Elixir applications in order to leverage the features of the language and of its runtime. We'll look at this both from a lower level, talking about the architecture of processes inside an Elixir application, as well as from a higher perspective of writing Elixir services and architecting systems to play Elixir's strengths. We'll see practical use cases and discuss design patterns.
Folks writing or architecting Erlang/Elixir applications that already have experience with the BEAM.
Showing design patterns, guidelines and ideas to improve or solidify the architecture of BEAM applications.
Code BEAM Lite Italy 2019
17.40 - 18.20
Keynote: Elixir Architecture 101
If you are writing a stateless web application backed up by a database, there is a good chance Elixir is a great fit. However, this is not where it shines. In this talk, we will discuss how to architect Elixir applications in order to leverage the features of the language and of its runtime. We will look at this both from a lower level, talking about the architecture of processes inside an Elixir application, as well as from a higher perspective of writing Elixir services and architecting systems to play to Elixir’s strengths. We will see practical use cases and discuss design patterns.
Code BEAM SF 2019
10.45 - 11.30
The evolution of a language
Elixir is young, but it's not as young as it used to be. The language has been stable for a long time now, but that doesn't mean it hasn't evolved.
In this talk, Andrea will tell the story of how Elixir grew up to be what it is today. He'll talk about how the language changed to work better for the community, and how the community changed to write better Elixir. Andrea will try to guess at where this is all going next.
This talk will get the audience to have a look at the history of Elixir and how it changed since it was born, see how the community evolved throughout the years, and how the community and the language adapted to each other.
Elixir programmers might be interested since there's a chance that they witnessed the evolution (or part of it) of the language. Erlang programmers might be interested since I will also talk about how Erlang and Elixir shaped each other in the last few years.
Code BEAM Lite Munich 2018
14.00 - 14.40
A Brief History of Elixir: From Concept to Mainstream Adoption
Elixir is young, but it's not as young as it used to be. The language has been stable for a long time now, but that doesn't mean it hasn't evolved. In this talk, I want to tell the story of how Elixir grew up to be what it is today. We'll talk about how the language changed to work better for the community, and how the community changed to write better Elixir. We'll try to guess at where this is all going next.
Take folks through a tour of how the Elixir language evolved and how it might keep evolving in the future.
Anyone interested in Elixir and programming languages.