Gianluca Padovani
Elixir Developer, CTO (Coders51)
Gianluca is a SW craftsmanship, TDD addicted and agile coach. Gianluca has fallen in love with functional programming, Elixr/Erlang in particular. He also likes Ruby, NodeJs and C++. He is the CTO at Coders51.
Past Activities
Code BEAM Lite Virtual
18.05 - 18.35
Working Distributed - a panel discussion
Remote working has been forced upon us. In this panel we will discuss some of the experiences with remote working – both from the perspective of right now and from before Covid-19. Not all the tricks that worked previously are any good now – the question is how to start overcoming the hurdles and find a way to become productive again.
Code BEAM STO 2019
11.35 - 12.20
TDD is not about testing
Why should we use TDD to develop in Elixir? When we are applying it correctly? What are the differences that we can find in a code developed with TDD and in code not developed with it? Is it TDD about testing? Really? In this talk, I'll show what is TDD and how can be used it in functional programming like Elixir to design the small and the big parts of your system, showing what are the difference and the similarities between an OOP and FP environment. Showing what is the values of applying a technique like TDD in Elixir and what we should obtain applying it.
Explain what is TDD in a functional language like Elixir, improve the ability to design good and testable code.
Anybody who wants to improve their ability to design good code.
Articles: 2
From a web application to a distributed system

There is currently a lot of interest in how these problems are solved in the BEAM environment (using Actor model) and how some common patterns like Supervisor or GenServer are used in other languages or frameworks, Akka for example.
READ MOREFrom a web application to a distributed system - SLIDES - Code BEAM Lite Milan 2018
Slides for the Gianluca Padovani's talk "From a web application to a distributed system" - Code BEAM Lite Milan 2018