Kofi Gumbs
UI Engineer @Twitter
Kofi Gumbs is a programmer based in Baltimore, Maryland. Given the choice, he prefers functional programming and the Web platform, but that doesn't keep him from exploring new technologies and paradigms. Most recently, he's been exploring Swift via his open-source macOS app: Multi.
Past Activities
Code Mesh V
18.50 - 19.30
Teaching WebGL to Dance to Music
Animating with WebGL from scratch can be intimidating. Fortunately for Elm programmers, the elm-3d-scene package makes it easy to get your 3D shapes moving. And since WebMIDI makes it easy to process realtime audio, we have everything we need to build dance parties in Elm.
This talk walks through my experiences with those technologies. I'll review elm-3d-scene, demonstrate how to use MIDI with Elm, and share tips about starting with graphics and animation. Attendees will leave understanding the concepts behind WebGL and WebMIDI, ready to create their own visualizations.