
Umberto Corponi

If it fails, you can't call for help. (Athonet)


Past Activities

Umberto Corponi
Code BEAM Lite Milan 2018
06 Apr 2018
11.10 - 11.30

Erlang/OTP back to telecom

While Erlang/OTP and Elixir are nowadays being widely adopted for their benefit in building a better web, we are taking it back in the domain where it was originally developed for and where they shine the most. The telecom industry. In the endeavor to build from scratch, deploy and maintain all the components of a mobile network, we discovered that no other language provided such an invaluable combination of features. This is how a mobile core network works, and why we are implementing it in Erlang.

Talk objectives

Describe how a mobile network works.

Describe the benefits of Erlang in the telecom domain. 

Attract potential hires for the company.

Have some fun.

Target audience

Anyone interested in how the network works between a mobile phone and the Internet. Why we are building it in Erlang, and why Erlang is invaluable in this context.